Weather Policy

Capital City Young Guns
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Young Guns Inclement Weather Policy

Our primary focus in the Young Gun Program is to teach youth how to safely handle firearms. One important part of safe firearm management includes being aware of the weather and environment at the range and surrounding area. We have prepared a general protocol for our program and instructors to use as a guideline for working around common summer weather conditions. Coaches and board members should make their decisions on adjusting class times or canceling classes based on preserving the safety of the youth participants and Young Gun staff.


Thunderstorms are a common occurrence in the summer months in North Dakota. These storms are dangerous due to a number of possible hazards. Our organization will follow similar protocols used by the National Weather service, USACTL, and other organized sports organizations: “In the event of inclement weather before or during League events, coaches should make safety their priority. • When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the event must be suspended. • The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion. Lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder. • Athletes and support personnel shall be moved to appropriate indoor facilities. • Athletes shall not return to the field until lightning has been absent from the local sky and thunder has not been heard for 30 minutes. • Spectators need to be advised to seek shelter also.”

In case of an approaching thunderstorm, if any lightening is seen or thunder is heard, all students and Young Guns staff that are using the Young Gun area, or trap, skeet, 5-stand or fields will take shelter in the Young Guns building or Capital City Sporting Clays clubhouse until the threat of lighting has passed per the above guidelines. Spectators will be encouraged to take shelter as well.
In case of an approaching thunderstorm, if any lightening is seen or thunder is heard, students or Young Gun staff using the Sporting Clays area will immediately cease using the course and seek shelter in a hard topped vehicle that is fully enclosed and travel safely back to the Young Guns building or Capital City Young Guns clubhouse to wait for the storm to pass per the above guidelines. Spectators will be encouraged to take shelter as well.

Young Guns coaches and board members reserve the right to cancel class due to the high probability of thunderstorms forecasted during regular class time as forecasted by local or national weather services. Thunderstorm Watches may result in cancelled or relocated classes, Thunderstorm Warnings will result in class cancellation. Due to the unpredictability of storm tracks and their spontaneous nature, as much prior notice will be given for cancelation of classes due to thunderstorms as possible. Parents should monitor our Facebook page for class updates when weather conditions are questionable.
(References: USACTL website; National Weather Service website; NFSHSA website)

High Wind

High wind conditions can occur in North Dakota throughout the year. High wind conditions can make for very difficult teaching conditions in an outdoor environment. Wind-blown debris becomes an issue, communication with youth and coaches becomes challenging, targets fly unpredictably, and learning opportunities become very limited. If a high wind weather occurs the Young Guns program will adjust classes accordingly. We will use the National Weather Services Criteria for high wind events. When possible, we will move practice into the Young Gun building and practice stance and mount drills with empty firearms, discuss range safety, firearms maintenance…etc. High Wind Warnings and High Wind Advisories indicate that a high wind event is occurring, this will result in cancelled classes.
If warranted, Young Gun coaches and board members reserve the right to cancel classes due to high wind conditions. High wind weather conditions can be difficult to predict, as much prior notice will be given for cancelation of classes due to high wind conditions as possible. Parents should monitor our Facebook page for class updates when weather conditions are questionable.
(Reference: National Weather Service website)

High Temperature

High temperatures and/or high humidity in the summer can create dangerously high heat indexes. High heat indexes put anyone outside at risk of heat related issues such as dehydration and heat stroke. The Young Guns program will follow the National Weather Services and OSHA’s advice on limiting outdoor activities during times of high heat indices. If the Heat Index is in the Caution Zone, people at risk of health issues related to heat exposure should not attend Young Gun classes. If the Heat Index is in the Extreme Caution Zone, Young Guns classes may be moved into the Young Guns Building for classroom instruction time, class may be canceled if warranted. If the Heat Index is in the Danger Zone, Young Guns class will be cancelled if warranted. If the Heat Index is in the Extreme Danger Zone, Young Gun classes will be cancelled.

If warranted, Young Gun coaches and board members reserve the right to cancel classes due to a high heat index. High heat index days conditions can be difficult to predict, as much prior notice will be given for cancelation of classes due to high heat conditions as possible. Parents should monitor our Facebook page for class updates when weather conditions are questionable.

Poor Air Quality

Poor air quality conditions can be caused by a number of factors such as wildfire smoke, dust, pollen, or other factors. Poor air quality can cause severe issues with breathing and cause eye irritation. The Young Guns program will follow the and the EPA’s “Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools” chart for Poor Air Quality days. Air Quality Days with an of index of 101-150, at risk persons should monitor and self-limit activities as needed. Air Quality Days with an index of 151-200, at risk people should not attend classes. Young Gun classes will be moved into the Young Guns building as needed for classroom teaching. Air Quality Days with an index of 201-300, or higher, will result in all Young Gun classes will be cancelled.
If warranted, Young Gun coaches and board members reserve the right to cancel classes due to poor air quality indexes. Poor air quality days conditions can be difficult to predict, as much prior notice will be given for cancelation of classes due to poor air quality conditions as possible. Parents should monitor our Facebook page for class updates when weather conditions are questionable.

(Reference: National Weather Service website, and AQI Basics,


Thunderstorm and Lighting Fact Sheet from OSHA and the National Weather Service:

Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors (

National Federation of State High School Associations Recommendations of Thunderstorm Protocol:

Air Quality Fact Sheet:

AQI Basics |

School guide for Air Quality:

Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools, EPA-456/F-14-003, August 2014 (

Heat index Watch vs Warning:

Heat Watch vs. Warning (

Heat index chart:

Heat Index Chart (

High Wind Index:

Wind Warnings, Watches and Advisories (

Definitions, Thresholds, Criteria for Warnings, Watches and Advisories (